By Emily Redman Januar 23, 2018

The Burns Night Series: Haggises or Haggi?

The Hunt is on!

Yes ladies and gentleman that time is upon us once again. It’s Haggis Season! So go grab your haggis catching net and your whisky and hit the hills. We will be expecting a grand haggis upon your table come the 25th January.

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If you are not one for the outdoors at this time of year or the idea of hunting your own haggis (have you seen ourhaggis hunting video series?) then you’ll be sure to find one in any good butchers in Scotland. If you are doing your haggis shopping in our capital this January be sure to make a trip down to meat John and his team (get it? at John Saunderson Butchers at Tollcross. Family Butcher since 1958 you’ll be in for a meaty treat. You will also spy one of our illusive Haggis Cosy's!

And for our Scottish Borders neighbours, you have not been neglected! Pop on down to Martin Baird Butchers in the fair Borders toon of Melrose. Here you can pick up your puddin’s and sneak a peek at another of our Haggis Cosy's snuggled in the delicious display of pies and all things non-vegetarian. There is actually a very fine spicy, oatmeal version of Haggis for the vegetarians out there so do not fear there is no need to miss out on the celebrations.

Haggis Cosy Header

To finish it all you need to put your Chieftain o’puddin’s on a worthy throne and no Burns table would be complete without tartan. On your haggis tour make sure to visit our store in Edinburgh to dress your table in one of the many tartan tablecloths or runners we have to offer and of course don’t miss a wee look at what we have proudly displayed in our window.

Send us your photos of your Burns Night celebrations and please tell us how you dress your Haggis Great Chieftain o' the puddin' - race.