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The Christmas Story by the Edinburgh store
It is only November but to keep up with our neighbours we just had to begin the creation of the Christmas window in the Edinburgh shop. And let's be honest here, it is the favourite job of the year, and as this is Jason's first Christmas with us it is understandable he couldn't wait to climb up that ladder with an armful of baubles.
Tartan is the perfect Christmas check and particularly red tartans such as Stewart Royal and MacLachlan Modern you can see in the window, but why is red the colour of Christmas? History tells us that in Europe during the middle ages on Christmas Eve it was traditional to perform Paradise plays and tell Bible stories to those who couldn't read. A pine tree was usually used, tied with red apples, to depict the Paradise Tree in the garden of eden. We all use beautiful red Holly Berries to decorate at Christmas, but these also have religious connotations with red representing the blood of Jesus when he died on the cross. And more commonly known is that red was the colour of the robes worn by St Nicholas and has become the international uniform of Santa. That and a certain large American soft drink manufacturer making it their own.
1kg of glitter, 50m of snow, 102 red baubles, 50 candy canes, 300 LED lights, 40 snowballs, and a week of fun adding extra detail to the fabulous array of tartan in our Edinburgh shop window Christmas is now ready to begin. Pop in for inspired gift ideas, advice on tartans, measuring and anything else you need help with. And don't forget our late opening nights on Thursday 12th& 19thDecember with tartan mince pies and a glass of wine to help your decision making.