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Bopping in Bonn - Scottish Country Dancing takes centre stage
This weekend the beautiful town of Bonn in Germany will be overwhelmed with youth crazy about Scottish Country Dancing. The birthplace of Beethoven sits peacefully on the banks of the Rhine and the water is absolutely delicious due to the fact that it is piped directly from the Eifel mountains 50 miles away. The dancers will probably need it!

The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society have been running this event for around 20 years and a few years ago someone had the bright idea of running it in Europe. It went down so well that it now alternates between Scotland and Europe. Glasgow are the hosts for 2018 if you fancy joining in the fun! This year around 120 "Spring Flingers" will take to the floor for classes in the morning and afternoon, followed by a dance on Saturday night. Another workshop on Sunday morning and a farewell lunch before all the fun is over for another year.

You don't have to know your Pas-de-basque (pronounced "pah-d'-bah) or be clad head to toe in tartan to join the Spring Fling but you will definitely know your steps by the end of the weekend and the only rule is that you must be over 12 and under 35. Oh dear that's me out then! Although there is the spin off Spring Fringe event running to keep us oldies happy and this year a special class for 7-11 year olds. Moira Thomson from RSCDS HQ in Edinburgh said "the event attracts dancers from France, France, Germany, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Norway, and occasionally from as far afield as USA, Canada and Australia, so far from being a dying tradition Scottish Country Dancing is growing in popularity year on year."

I want to go just so I can stay in the indoor vintage fake camping site. How cool is this? All resident Flingers stay at the Basecamp Hostel and get to sleep in old caravans, tour buses, trains etc. Back to the serious business of dancing and a few of the faces teaching the next generation of Scottish dancers. This diverse bunch include Fiona from Berlin and Raphaelle from Lyon, France, both mad about technique and passionate about sharing their knowledge and love of Scottish Country Dancing with the younger generation. Duncan from York might be a little over the maximum age for the Spring Fling but he has promised to try and keep up and since he has devised a few dances of his own he is in a strong position.

The biggest treat of the weekend has to be dancing to live music throughout. Another eclectic bunch, Aymeric from Paris on the piano, Susan from West Kilbride on the accordion (you might have heard her band on Radio Scotland) and Matthias from Munich on the fiddle. Previously a violinist Matthias boasts a performance with German rock band Schandmaul and numerous musical prizes. These three love dancing when they are not playing but I am not sure they will get much chance to put down their instruments this weekend.
Are you in Bonn dancing your socks off this weekend? Or do you just love a bit of Scottish Country Dancing? We would love to hear from you! Or if your dancing wardrobe is in need of an update our Tartan Skirlt has a lovely swing to it.