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Review of the week
Phew what a week! Not much blogging has gone on this week so we bring you a general round up of ScotlandShop news instead. Tartan of the week has to be the new Highland Rose - it's pinks and oranges criss-crossed with a warm creamy beige make it the perfect choice for Spring. We are busy making some cushions and throws to show it off and they will be on the site soon along with all your other favourites.
Story of the week has to be an order for a Tartan Suit from a young man in Illinois in the US who has been saving his money for months to buy the suit to wear to his school prom. How cool is he going to look and certainly a bit different to everyone else! He has promised us some photos and we can't wait to see them.
We always have to plan ahead and we are already putting together a new range for Autumn/Winter. This week we had a great meeting with one of our main suppliers and finalised the colours on some fabulous tweeds which we will be introducing to the collection. Watch out for tweed tartan jackets, elegant a-line skirts and of course plenty of accessories to mix and match.
Now it is Friday and we are looking forward to the arrival of a new member of the team on Monday. Maybe give Kelly a few days to settle in before you ask her too many questions!