By Anna White mayo 27, 2011

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Weekly tartan round-up!

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So what has been going on chez ScotlandShop this week? It was the boss' birthday on Wednesday ...age 38 and only 2 years to go to achieve that list of ambitions that I expected to have completed years ago. Thanks go to Kelly, the youngest member of our customer service team, for phoning me first thing with a nice birthday broken ankle. Poor Kelly we hope you feel better soon and please stay away from wild horses from now on. Wendy who usually holds the whole ScotlandShop operation together happens to be on holiday brushing up on her Spanish so it really has been all hands to the deck to keep the tartan service up to standard. But the best way to end the week was with some lovely photos from one of our customers in the Netherlands. We made Tristan a boy's wool tartan kilt in the Caledonia tartan. Tristan plays the drums in the City of Apeldoorn Pipes and Drums band and in the Musikschauschottland show, known as the world's greatest indoor Scottish show. Thank you Tristan for your photos!

This week we are also working on some very cool illustrations for our sizing guides so soon the very dull text guides to help you to measure yourself for your kilt, tartan suit or tartan skirt will be looking good!