By Anna White juillet 25, 2011

Edinburgh hosts inaugural Pipe Band Championship Main

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This weekend saw the first Edinburgh Pipe Band Championship take place at the Royal Highland Centre at Ingliston. Edinburgh has not hosted a pipe band contest since 1995 would you believe it? Set to be an annual event and run by the Royal Highland Centre in partnership with the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association Lothian & Borders Branch the organisers must have been delighted with the fabulous weather drawing in families for a great day's entertainment.


Not only was it a great day for musicians, dancers, pipe bands and piping fans to get together and show off their talents but the heavyweights were also there competing in famously traditional events such as Toss the caber and Throwing the hammer.

We are glad to see our local pipe band from the Scottish Borders did us proud with wins in the Grade 4 and Grade 4 MSR competition. The event attracted over 500 of Scotland's best Scottish pipers including some top notch competitors with five Grade One bands including Inveraray & District Pipe Band, Boghall & Bathgate, Dysart & Dundonald, Lothian & Borders Police and Fife Constabulary, the newest of the Grade One Bands. Well done to Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia who won each of their respective grades.