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Celebrating International Women's Day 2021
International Women's Day has come around again and I am feeling under pressure to write something insightful. Part of me wants to tell you that the woman who has brought me through lockdown sane and intact is my dog, Angie. God bless her for looking perky at all times, dragging me out of my bed knowing she is waiting for a run, that I need to put my trainers on and generate those endorphins that help us through another day.

However my team has informed me that it is not very respectful of all the women who have fought to give us the independence we have today, particularly when there are still so many women worldwide not enjoying this freedom. And I really appreciate this freedom. My parents were dairy farmers and I am one of 3 daughters. They made us into fiercely independent women and my Dad always said he was torn between being very proud of how we turned out, followed by feelings of whether it was right that we didn't conform to the old traditional stereotype of the farmers wife, staying at home to support her husband. Saying that my Mum has to be one of the strongest women I know so I am not sure he married a conformist either!
Sports presenter Jill Douglas and I had a chat about our opinions on the male female divide last week, (listen to her full interview on Wednesday night, she is an inspiring lady), both working in male dominated industries, she is in the world of rugby and myself ensconced in the deeply traditional world of Scottish textiles.

We agreed that we didn't feel that our careers had been inhibited by being female but that this is probably because we are confident and well grounded, so the thought would never enter our heads. We are lucky to have had stable upbringings to help us feel this way. This year has tested our resilience and I have felt my confidence waver on many an occasion, so the team around me has been critical to provide a bit of support when required and vice versa. My role has become part counsellor, part employer in 2020 and if that is what it takes to pull us all through I am happy with that. Which brings me onto another inspirational lady, Kathy Weir, wife of our favourite character and international rugby legend Doddie Weir. Emily here at ScotlandShop designed the Doddie'5 tartan and sales of this raise funds for the My Name'5 Doddie Foundation leading the search to find a cure for MND. Doddie is the most optimistic, positive person in the world but standing right beside him is Kathy, always strong and smiling and never seeking any accolades for her unfailing support and strength to keep fighting. Jill is CEO of the Foundation and this is a cause very close to both of our hearts, as are these two people.
This time last year we were finishing off a tour around Florida, taking in the Northeast and Southeast Florida Highland Games and meeting some truly amazing people. Two women we were determined to say hello to en route were Linda Frazier, former President of the St Andrew's Society of Tallahassee and her partner in crime Dani Turner. The energy and enthusiasm of these ladies is unbeatable and their passion for Scottish culture and people in general is infectious.

We were so sad not to go back again this year but instead we did record an interview with Linda on YouTube where she shares her love of food and how she has brought the Scottish community together through Culinary Ceilidh's and other incredibly creative events. Meeting these people inspires me to take our products worldwide! My son travelled with us on this trip and he will never forget the welcome he received, not to mention the enormous box of Krispy Kreme donuts Dani brought him.

Another woman topping that list of those I admire would be Lorraine Bell, Corporate Director, Chartered Professional Accountant, Trustee of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society and where we made her acquaintance, 84th Chief of the New York Caledonian Club and a critical part of the New York Tartan Day celebrations. Lorraine is that perfect mix of super intelligent, incredibly humble and great fun personality. With a reputation for being on #teamnosleep and partying throughout Tartan Week alongside President Kyle Dawson, Lorraine shows the kind of endurance that gets you through most things in life.

Ladies I salute you, Mum for devoting your life to bringing my sisters and I up and making us what we are today, for always being there when I turn up at your door in good or bad fettle, with or without your grandchildren in tow. And to all the women I meet around the world as I travel the tartan journey, your support and enthusiasm keeps me going and inspires our marketing and product development. Just wait to see what we have been up to to relieve the latest lockdown lows! And to those who need some support, my door is always open. Happy International Women's Day!