By Anna White luglio 13, 2010

So what tartan is Iggy Pop wearing?

Menzies 70mm ribbon 200 180412 155849

We had an interesting customer query this morning that we thought we would share with you - what tartan is Iggy Pop wearing in the Swiftcover Insurance ads on TV? The tartan is the Menzies Black and White. Maybe ex-Scotland rugby star Doddie Weir is trying to join the punk scene as he also has a pair of trews in this tartan! Joking aside it is actually a very smart tartan and if you like the sett then there are several other colour variations such as the Menzies Red and White, Menzies Green and if you want a really summery cheerful tartan then the Menzies Special Red Dress. We are quite good at identifying random tartans and like a challenge so email us in any celeb pictures and we will tell you what they are.