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Romper Suits - 5 of the best
What could be cuter than the romper suit? Buying clothing for young children is possibly one of my favourite shopping habits, along with shopping for shoes! The array of colours, prints and materials used always look so much more interesting than adult sized clothing. I write this not having any children myself and only buying Children's clothing as gift, so I imagine the fun of this occasion may wear off.

1. Our Tartan Romper suit is one of our newest products, It was designed by our seamstress Jodie when she joined the team. With a background in children's clothing and accessories, we will definitely be using Jodie's expertise to keep adding fabulous new children's products to the range. Below is our youngest model,Rory,relaxing in the Thompson Blue Modern tartan.

2. Our second romper suit comes from Zady, who are striving to leave behind a healthier planet for the babies they dress, with their Birds and Flowers romper. Made from pure american organic cotton, free of pesticides and printed with natural dyes, this is a super soft romper for the babies you love.
3. The most colourful of our rompers comes from the Baker by Ted Baker childrenswear collection. One of the fastest growing lifestyle brands in the UK and one of the only remaining brands to be built without an advertising campaign. Having chosen not to advertise Ted does everything possible to create collections in a more consistent, different and fun manner, and we think this shows through with this super stripey romper suit.
4. We love the frills and florals of our girliest romper suit from Monsoon. Inspired by mesmerising colours, patterns, textures and hand-craft techniques from magical, faraway places, Monsoon always add that little bit of extra detail to their collection.
5. Our final romper comes from Rocha John Rocha with a fantastic appliqued lion. Known for his hand-crafting, beading and appliquée to garments Rocha has a wealth of experience in the fashion industry and was awarded a CBE in 2002 for his contributions to the British Fashion Industry.
The modern romper suit first gained popularity in the United States in the early 1900s. The light weight and loose fitting design, made the romper suit a great choice of casual clothing for young children, and was much less restrictive than children's clothing of that era.

Although originally a children's outfit the Romper Suit has made several appearances in women's fashion, from the stylish alternative to a blouse and skirt in the 1920's to the 1970's disco classic of the jumpsuit. More recently the romper suit has come back in to fashion in a big way, perfect for the summer and extremely versatile; Our tailoring department are busy dreaming up some fabulous designs for ladies size pinafore and romper suit, so that we can share all the fun of these children's classics.