Gröβentabelle Tartan Hüte

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Sizing is key when it comes to choosing the perfect cap. Flat caps are most recognizable due to their triangular profile and suit most face shapes. When sized correctly, they complement all profiles and can be worn to suit casual, informal and formal wear. Find more on our sizing chart below:

Gröβe Kopf Maβ Hut Gröβe
Klein 55 - 56cm 6¾ - 6⅞
Mittelgroβ 57 - 59cm 7 - 7¼
Groβ 60 - 61cm 7⅜ - 7½
XL 62cm 7⅝

Das Bandmaß über den Ohren, um den Kopf legen, das so ermittelte Zentimetermaß ist die Hutgröße