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- First Rule of (Medieval) Fight Club, Is Don't Talk About (Medieval) Fight Club
- Can you explain what the medieval fighting club is to someone who has never heard of it?
- How heavy is your fighting armour?
- How did you get involved in the sport?
- How does someone join the club?
- Do you organise tournaments at a lot of highland games?
- What is the best highland games you have ever attended?
- Has the Le Dogue de Montreal ever travelled to Scotland?
- What is your favourite tartan?
First Rule of (Medieval) Fight Club, Is Don't Talk About (Medieval) Fight Club
This week Anna and Emily travelled all the way to Canada with suitcases full of tartan to attend a few Highland Games. This Sunday Montreal Highland Games takes place and they are excited to see the French Canadian influence on this very Scottish tradition. One group that will be attending Montreal Highland Games is Le Dogue de Montreal, a medieval fighting club. We caught up with Alexander, one of the captains and coaches of the group, to find out what is actually involved in the group and whether it was something we would dare to try.
Can you explain what the medieval fighting club is to someone who has never heard of it?
Myself, along with Dominic Patry-Sauve, are the two captains and coaches of Le Dogue de Montreal. We are a competitive, full contact medieval combat team that participates in national, international and world championship, tournaments on a regular basis. We are not a club in a traditional sense, but rather are a serious team whose goal is to promote the growth of the medieval combat sport and distinguish ourselves as top tier combatants on the global stage.

Different events use different rule sets. In a duel, regardless of the type of weapon used, points are derived from the number of solid strikes delivered to the opponent. Different weapon combinations will slightly modify the types of strikes that are authorised. Points are tabulated by several referees at the end of each round. Rounds last one minute with a one minute break in between. The match continues until one fighter wins two rounds.
Team fights are not point based. Fighters are eliminated when they are forced to have three points of contact with the ground such as a hand or knee (feet always count as touching the ground even when they are not). This normally results in fighters being taken down entirely. A team loses when they have no fighters left standing on the field or when there is a three to one advantage. All weapons, and striking and grappling techniques, are authorised. Strikes are delivered with full force.
How heavy is your fighting armour?
Depending on the type of materials used in its construction, a kit can weigh anywhere from forty to eighty pounds. For example, my current chest armour us made out of titanium and weighs eleven pounds. My previous one was made from mild steel and weighed twenty-seven pounds. I have seen some kits that are heavier, but they are normally used by very large individuals.

How did you get involved in the sport?
I began LARP sword fighting at 16 after training in competitive martial arts for the majority of my teenage years. I thought being able to fight with sword and axes was the coolest thing in the world! After all, how often does one get to fight large groups of people with different medieval weapons and armour in the modern age? When I was 23 I found out that full contact medieval combat was a sport that was being taken up by fighters all over the world who sought a more intense, visceral, and authentic, medieval combat experience. At that time, I told myself - glutton for punishment that I am - that by age 30 I would try it at least once. When I was 28 going on 29, I found that a few of my friends had purchased weapons and armour, and had joined the Le Dogue de Montreal. I followed suit in the fall of 2016 and joined the team. I fell in love with the team and sport immediately. Adapting to the weight of the weapons and armour, as well as the force of impact and the potential injuries that come along with them, was an exhilarating challenge! I have never looked back since.
How does someone join the club?
Anyone interested in joining Le Dogue de Montreal is encouraged to reach out to us for more information through our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/doguedemontreal/. Either myself or Dominic respond to all message that are sent fairly quickly.
Do you organise tournaments at a lot of highland games?
We've been providing entertainment for the Montreal Highland Games for several years now but this is the first time that we are hosting an actual event. Two official Armoured Combat Sports league matches will be taking place back to back for the audience to enjoy. Le Dogue de Montreal will be competing against the Manchester Monarchs and the Wakinyan de Quebec will be competing against the Nashua Knightmares. All of the teams participating are extremely tough and very skilled. It promises to be a thrilling set of matches that everyone will remember for years to come!

What is the best highland games you have ever attended?
Though last year was the best Games we ever attended, we're all working hard to make sure this one blows it out of the water!
Has the Le Dogue de Montreal ever travelled to Scotland?
Yes we have! Many of our members flew to Scotland last year as members of I'Ost de Quebec (the Quebec national medieval combat team) to participate in the IMCF World Championships that were held in Scone in May of 2018. Quebec's women's team, also known as the Akimera, took the gold medal for a third year in a row!
What is your favourite tartan?
The Maple Leaf Tartan! It's Canada's official tartan and my personal favourite.
Tickets are still available to buy through our website and if you are attending Montreal Highland Games be sure to come and visit us, we have brought our tent all the way from Scotland and will have lots of tartan goodies, and if you aren't sure what your tartan is we can help with that too!