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How To Style Your Tartan Trainers
This week has been very exciting at ScotlandShop HQ as the courier pulled up loaded with the brand new collection of Tartan Trainers, just in time for Christmas! If you have met Emily on the marketing team at ScotlandShop you will know she absolutely loves trainers, and as a graduate of textiles what could please her more than the combination of trainers and tartan? Today we share a few outfit ideas to guarantee your new Trainers look as fabulous as they should.
MacFarlane Clan Modern Trainers
Edinburgh Trainers
New York City Trainers
We would love to know what you pair your Tartan Trainers with, whether you go for one of our beautiful stock pairs or create your very own pair in a tartan of your choosing. Send your pictures over to us by messaging us on Facebook, tagging us on Instagram or emailing us at