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An Interview with The House of Gordon USA
Today we are delighted to be joined by Jen Mills Martin, the Membership Secretary for House of Gordon USA. We met Jen and her lovely husband David when we were out in Florida at the end of February when we were happily oblivious to what was about to happen in the world. Join us as we discuss the gregarious clan and find out what Jen loves about being a Gordon.
How did you first get involved with your Clan Society, The House of Gordon?
I've been a member of our Clan Society since 2014. After learning that House of Gordon USAwasn't represented at a Highland Game near me, I volunteered to convene and host a Tent. I have a passion for history, and a love of my Clan, kith and kin... I love sharing our Clan's story.

When did you become Membership Secretary and what role does this entail?
Our last Treasurer/Membership Secretary asked if myself and my husband would be able to take the positions as she and her husband were having health issues and needed to step down from the Board. We were honoured to step in and do all we can. We process new membership, renewals, keep records, checks and balances of all our society does.
What is the most rewarding aspect of working with The House of Gordon?
It may sound silly, but, at the Gatherings/Games, I just adore watching the change in the faces, even posture of a new member. Many just learning that they're a part of something big. A part of history, a part of one of the greatest Clans to ever live in Scotland! Watching a wave of pride wash over them! Watching them leave that tent with their head held a little higher, their shoulders a little further back, chests bursting with pride!

Have you celebrated your clan heritage from a young age?
I grew up with the oral history in my family that we were half Scottish and half Irish... though it was later that I discovered that I'm half Scottish and there's a lot of Scandinavian in my DNA, with only a small amount of Irish in my DNA. It wasn't until I started doing my family tree in 2003 that I found out I was a part of this amazing Clan!
What does being a member of the Gordon clan mean to you?
Family...As simple and as complex as that word entails. I tell people in our Clan just that.... no matter the generations that have pasts, no matter the miles that have separated us, we are family!
We met at the Northeast Florida Scottish Highland Games & Festival, do you take part in lots of events with the Society?

We convene at the Northeast Florida Highland, the Panama City Beach Highland Games, and the Southeast Alabama Highland Games. We also work diligently with our fellow Board members to ensure our AGM at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in North Carolina goes well every July.
Do you have a favourite variant of the Gordon tartans?
I don't think I could choose, they're all very beautiful. I usually wear our Modern because it is mass produced, but I do like our Reds and Weathered.

What is your favourite fact or story about Clan Gordon?
That's nigh impossible to answer without writing a book. We've influenced and shaped history throughout centuries. From one of the most formidable armies in history with the Gordon Highlanders, to inspiring great minds like Sir Walter Scott when he wrote Lochinvar and Robert Burns when he wrote Castle Gordon. We have arthors, warriors, artists, astronauts, scientists and many more greats that have changed the world.

How have you been keeping in touch with the clan during lockdown?
Social media has been invaluable. We very much miss our family and can not wait to gather again, share a dram, a hug, and amazing fellowship! Until then, BYDAND!
Thank you to Jen for taking the time to tell us all about the House of Gordon and how she first got involved. If you're a Gordon yourself or like Jen, belong to one of it's septs, why not join The House of Gordon? There's still lots more content to come as we continue to celebrate Clan Gordon this June so make sure to keep an eye on our Social Media.