Doddie’5 Tartan Ted travels the 3 nations
Can the Doddie’5 Tartan Ted make it from Edinburgh to Cardiff in time for the Doddie Weir Cup?
Ted will set off from Murrayfield on 1st October and with the help of rugby clubs across Scotland, England and Wales he will travel around the country raising awareness of the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation and Doddie’s very own tartan. Ted will gather stories of each and every rugby club he visits, every player and fan he meets along the way, with as many selfies as he can manage. Send in your pics and watch out for the interviews and adventures on the blog and social media.

We need to your help to get Ted to Cardiff so please contact us if you can help him on his journey, give him a lift to the next rugby club and keep him moving. Send him on the team bus and pass him on to your opponents, give him to a friend who plays for a neighbouring club, just keep him moving. We have written to every rugby club in the country to tell everyone about the project but it will be reliant on you all sharing and helping him along the away. Make sure you send in your photos, publicise your club and join in the fun. Our Emily plays for Kelso RFC and took Ted along to meet the team last night.

Get in touch via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Livechat on our website, email or phone. We are committed to the cause...
Let’s get Doddie’5 Ted to Cardiff!

You don't need to be a rugby fan to get involved, help us to raise the profile of MND and get Tartan Ted to Cardiff to watch Scotland take on Wales in the inaugural Doddie Weir Cup on November 3rd.