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Tartan Inspired Giftwrap - The Envelope
For those of you who have followed our Tartan Giftwrap series in years gone by or even attended the Tartan Giftwrap Masterclass at our Edinburgh store last December, you will know that Jane Means is the special lady who can take the weirdest shapes and wrap them elegantly, or the most simple gifts and make them look very special. As gift giving season is upon us we welcome you to a whole new series of gift wrap guides.
We begin with the Envelope. A gift card or voucher can seem a bit ordinary to hand over or sometimes you need to give a small gift more impact. Hand making a beautiful little envelope will add the personal touch and you can of course choose a paper that has extra meaning or seasonal significance. Here we used some gorgeous gold snowflakes.
What you need:
Some fancy wrapping paper, a roll of ribbon, a finishing touch such as as sprig of holly berries or some greenery, scissors and double sided tape.

- Lay your paper face down and fold each corner into the centre, creasing the folds firmly
- Place your gift in the centre

3. Stick double sided tape along 2 edges
4. Fold all edges in keeping the taped edge for last
5. Press down firmly so your envelope holds neatly together
6. Wrap your ribbon round the parcel criss-crossing it on the back

7. Tie a simple knot and start to tie the bow
8. Tuck the holly or other decoration in and pull your bow tight to hold it securely in place
Watch the video for a detailed step by step guide:
And there you have it, a beautiful little handmade envelope perfect for presenting special gifts. We have dozens of polyester tartan ribbons in stock or if you are choosy about your tartan we can custom make over 500 ribbons to order. Up next is a lesson in gift wrapping with fabric so watch out for this on the blog.