By Anna White 11月 08, 2017

There's a new tartan tailor in town: Meet the ScotlandShop mascot

Last week a new character joined the ScotlandShop team and we need your help to find our tartan mascot a name.

We are very serious about our tartan but we do also like a bit of a laugh and this summer we came up with the slightly random idea of having our very own mascot. And here he is! We have all sorts of plans for him to get out and about in Edinburgh, attend events and maybe even an entry into the Mascot Grand National? If you haven't seen that race then it is one you must look up on YouTube!

Scotland Shop Mascot leaning1000 1

Our new tartan mascot wears a suit in the Buchanan Repro tartan and always has his tape measure at the ready. Thank you so much to our friends at Frenzy Creative who made him. True to our philosophy the mascot is made in the UK and none of that synthetic stuff you associate with mascots, his suit is of course made from our lovely pure wool fabric woven in Scotland.

Our mascot needs a name so enter our poll, email us in your suggestions or post them on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter feeds and by Friday lunchtime we will choose the best one.