Capital District Scottish Games

Capital District Scottish Games Scotland Shop
September 3rd - 06:00 A.M.
Event Address: Altamont Fairgrounds 129 Grand Street, Altamont NY, 12009
We are excited to be Platinum Sponsors for the 2022 Capital District Scottish Games on September 3rd, 2022 at Altamont Fairgrounds. We will be there in our tartan tent with swatch books full of over 500 Scottish and Irish tartans, so come along to find your Clan tartan and celebrate your Scottish heritage this September. We will have samples of all our products and plenty to tempt you with, tape measures at the ready for custom-made and tailored garments.

The Capital District Scottish Games date back to 1939 and are held annually in Altamont, New York on Labor Day weekend. The original sponsors of the Games were Clan MacRae who held the very first games in the village of Scotia, New York before they were moved to the Locomotive Club in Schenectady, New York where they remained until the late 60s. Sadly, there were no Games for 12 years until the Schenectady Pipe Band took over in 1978. Today Pipe Bands from all over the United States and Canada to participate in the Games and along with competitions in Highland Dancing & Athletics draw crowds of over 18 thousand.

Although the games have grown considerably over the years their attitude remains the same, to present a "warm and friendly family atmosphere" for people to come together in celebration of Celtic Culture. ScotlandShop are delighted to support our Local Scottish-American community as sponsors of the games.

Our very first American store also in the Capital District at 678 Loudon Road in Latham, NY houses our full collection, allowing you to view samples of all the different fabrics and tartans we offer.

Event Address:

Altamont Fairgrounds 129 Grand Street, Altamont NY, 12009