Fort Ticonderoga Scots Day

Scots Day 2017 rsz 1200x900
June 17th - 17th 2023 - 02:00 P.M.
Event Address: 102 Fort Ti Road Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Explore your Scottish heritage and uncover over 500 tartans in the tartan tent at the Fort Ticonderoga Scots Day on 17th June. The celebration of Scottish history, heritage, and culture runs from 10 am to 5 pm, and we will be there with our swatch books full of hundreds of Scottish and Irish tartans, with samples of all our products and plenty to tempt you with, tape measures at the ready for custom-made and tailored garments.

Inside Fort Ticonderoga, discover the heroic stories of Scottish soldiers in the British Army serving at Ticonderoga and North America through the campaigns of the 18th century. Thrill at musket demonstrations which will highlight the equipment, clothing, and tactics of the red-coated Scottish soldier, during the defining military campaigns that shaped North America.

Lively musical performances include the Saint Andrews Pipe Band from Vermont and Fort Ticonderoga’s fifes and drums. The full day of activities includes special guided tours and remembrance service on the Carillon Battlefield at the Memorial Cairn. Carillon boat cruises will carry visitors onto the water to explore the epic historic landscape and its strategic importance during the 18th-century.