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Clan Cameron: Gathering in Australia
Never mind the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast the very first national Clan Cameron gathering will take place in Australia this April 20th - 22nd.

This first line makes it sound like Clan Cameron has only just created their Australian branch but in fact this feisty bunch have been active since 1933 in various forms and locations. In fact at it's height up to 100 members marched during Scottish Week. Numbers are not so strong these days and the Clan is encouraging you all to come together and celebrate your Scottish heritage. So put on your glad rags and join in with traditional Ceilidh after an official Welcome Ceremony at Southport RSL on April 20th. We do know that the welcome will include an "Address to the Haggis" and Australian Clan Commissioner James Lachlan Cameron will be joined by Scottish Commissioner Dr Roderick Cameron and New Zealand Commissioner Mr Nick Cameron. A surprise event has been promised so who knows what kind of caber tossing shenanigans might be putting in store? Saturday offers the opportunity to explore your Cameron connections with genealogists on hand, along with pipe bands and lots of Scottish and Australian activities for young and old.

Sunday is very much about making friendships and partaking in the "Celebration of the Cameron Clan and Tartan". There will be an opportunity to put forward your ideas as the Clan work out the direction for a Clan Cameron in Australia. Exciting times! Even if you can't make it the Clan have launched a fabulous project gathering the stories of those with ancestors who left Scotland to take up a new life overseas, so dig out the Cameron diaries and share the diversity of your descendants and how they came to Australian shores, the challenges they faced and how they adapted.
We are always very keen to share the word of what the Clans are up to overseas so if you have any photos or stories from the day we would love to hear from you. As the motto goes "Aonaibh Ri Chéile" - which translates as "Let us unite".