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An Interview with the Clan Thom(p)son Society
Ready to find out more about Clan Thom(p)son? We recently spoke with Mary Thompson, the secretary of the Clan Thom(p)son Society about all things Clan Thom(p)son. Read on to find out all about one of the newest Scottish clan societies in the world.
The Clan Thom(p)son Society
The Clan Thom(p)son Society began in 2006 and was officially recognised by the Lord Lyon in 2012 as the only clan society representing Thom(p)sons worldwide. For many years, Clan Thom(p)son was thought to be a sept of Clan MacTavish and never to have existed as a distinct clan. However, this was eventually disproven by the Clan Thom(p)son Society who worked tirelessly for years, before being officially recognised by the Lord Lyon in 2012. Today, the Clan Thom(p)son Society has over 150 members from across the world from North American and Europe, to Australasia and even a few countries in Africa.

An Interview With Mary Thompson - Secretary of Clan Thompson
We were lucky enough to speak with Mary Thompson, the Secretary of the Clan Thom(p)son Society, to find out more about one of the world's newest clan societies. Read on as we discuss all things Clan Thom(p)son and find out all about the great work of the Clan Thom(p)son Society.
What are the aims and goals of the Clan Thom(p)son Society?
Our main aim is to restore our rightful, historic place among the border clans/families of the West Marche and Edinburgh.
Your role within the Clan Thom(p)son Society?
I am the secretary and the webmaster for the society. All incoming non-membership correspondence is answered by me, website updates and edits are made as necessary, I maintain a backup copy of the membership information, attend as many games as I can and act as recorder for annual meetings.
How did you become involved with the Clan Thom(p)son Society?
My husband (President) and I realised around 2007 that there had to have been a Thom(p)son clan/family somewhere in Scotland because we were the 4th to 6th largest name; which made us ask, where were we and where did we go? Along with several members of our group, we started researching. The majority of sources listed us as Clan MacTavish or a sept of it which we knew was impossible – we were far bigger, far older (their first matriculated chief was 1997), were recognised in published works by the 1540s and by the Scottish Parliament in two separate acts in 1587 and 1594. All references had Thom(p)sons in the Scottish Borders/West Marche for at least 400 years. Whereas, Clan MacTavish were situated in Argyll in the Highlands.
Helping research, document and submit the information to Lyon Court that resulted in our matriculation. We started with ‘Thomsons were never a stand-alone clan/family’ and proved it false.

The most rewarding aspect of working with the Clan Thom(p)son Society?
Our people! Thom(p)sons are so happy to have a name and home of their own after being mis-identified, lost, dispersed far and wide – they’ve waited 400 years for this! We are building our membership worldwide as word spreads of the society. It brings me great joy to see the society growing each day.
Are there any stories from Clan Thom(p)son history that you would like to share?
Not really, it’s all been ‘key’ to me. Every step of the way, every new book or reference to Thom(p)sons in the Borders, every new piece of the puzzle has been exciting.
Do you have a favourite variant of Thom(p)son tartan?
Mine would have to be the Thompson Dress Blue – who doesn’t look good in blue? Also, we have registered it as the society tartan, so most of our members wear it. Those wearing great kilts or reenacting the 18th century tend to wear the ancient hunting - but the grey and camel are popular too!

Many thanks for taking the time to read today's blog post. A special thank you to Mary for participating in this interview and for discussing the great work of the Clan Thom(p)son Society with us. If you're a member of the Clan yourself, why not consider joining the Clan Thom(p)son Society? It could be a great way to meet other members of your history and find out more about Clan Thompson's history as fierce Border Reivers.