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Meet the Stirling University Tartan Team
As a graduate of Stirling University myself, when Elaine approached me to ask if ScotlandShop would like to offer student work placements I of course thought it was a great idea. My favourite semester at Uni was our practical placement and watching the students go through the process this month has brought back many memories of learning how to apply academic ideas and strategies to the real world, and how none of this really works unless you can work as a team.
Today we introduce to you our team of four who have been buried deep in tartan, clans and castles since January producing some great pieces of work that we will share with you over the coming month. They created their own introductory videos in front of their favourite Stirling locations to give you a flavour of their passion.
Emily Yule is in her second year studying History & Politics and has delved deep into the Declaration of Arbroath as her favourite topic, along with co-producing the Stirling Bridge video. Emily's favourite place is the Beheading Stone found at the top of Gown Hill, thought to be the site for capital punishments and the executions of a few important figures in the 15th Century.
Nena Pralle is an international student with a passion for History and has been unravelling Septs and sharing her interest in the Scottish Wars of Independence. Nena loves a stroll past Airthrey Castle, imagining the inhabitants of the Airthrey Estate during the times of Robert the Bruce and William Wallace.
Fanni Elo is the creative on the team, studying Film & Media and after a brief foray into the history of Clan MacLean she has uncovered the story behind Stirling Bridge and the famous battle.
Katie McGuigan discovered she has MacLean roots in the first week of the project when she shared the details of what she was working on with her Granny. Studying English Katie brings her wordsmith skills to the famous faces of Clan MacLean and takes a trip to Duart Castle.
We have really enjoyed the fresh input from our team of four on placement and the mix of skills, but most of all the passion for Scotland and it's illustrious history. We look forward to sharing the hard work of Katie, Fanni, Emily and Nena throughout April and of course if you have any comments or stories you would like to share we would love to hear from you.