Bienvenu à la page d'accueil du tartan écossais Keith. Vert clair, bleu clair et noir sont les couleurs dominantes de ce tartan écossais.
Produits disponible en tartan Keith sont de tissu ecossais, coussin ecossais ainsi que couverture. En département accessoire vetement on fabrique de pantalon ecossais pour homme, costume et gilet, en plus de mini kilt femme, jupe ecossais et manteau, en plus d’écharpe, cravatte et meme des bottines et escarpin ecossais. La liste de disponibilité se trouve ci-dessous. On fabrique aussi beaucoup plus d’articles sur commande. Si vous ne le trouvez pas demandez-nous et on peut normalement le fabriquer!
First of all to explain why there are so many tartans, way over 2000 in fact. There are an awful lot of Scottish clans to start with and on top of this each clan can have many different tartans and names associated with it.
Each tartan can have multiple variations, the most common of which are Ancient, Modern, Weathered, Hunting and Dress
About tartan variations
Avant 1860, les tissus étaient colorés à l'aide de teintures animales et végétales. Cela permettait d'obtenir les couleurs plus douces typiques des tartans anciens (Ancient), des verts moussus et des bleus ciel, un rouge plus orangé et certains diraient que cela mettait en valeur le motif de manière beaucoup plus efficace, car les contrastes étaient beaucoup plus marqués que dans les tartans modernes (Modern). Le motif reste le même dans toutes les variations d'un même tartan, seules les nuances ou les tons varient.
Après 1860, les teintures chimiques ont remplacé les teintures naturelles animales et végétales et les tartans modernes (Modern) sont nés avec leurs couleurs plus fortes et plus audacieuses. Les verts et bleus doux deviennent vert bouteille et bleu marine, les rouges sont écarlates.
Après 1860, les teintures chimiques ont remplacé les teintures naturelles animales et végétales et les tartans modernes sont nés avec leurs couleurs plus fortes et plus audacieuses. Les verts et bleus doux deviennent vert bouteille et bleu marine, les rouges sont écarlates.
Les tartans modernes (Modern) sont souvent des combinaisons plus subtiles, comme le classique Black Watch Modern.
Avant 1860, les tissus étaient colorés à l'aide de teintures animales et végétales. Cela donnait des couleurs plus douces et plus terreuses, typiques des tartans « Weathered », qui rappellent des couleurs plus audacieuses soumises au vent, à la pluie et au soleil, produisant de magnifiques tons délavés, des verts olive et des bruns, et des bleus très clairs avec des rouges qui sont plus roses que rouges.
Certaines usines appellent les tartans altérés par les intempéries « Muted ».
Les tartans de chasse (Hunting tartans) sont les tartans de camouflage et certains clans n'ont pas ces variations parce qu'ils sont déjà à dominante verte ou brune et n'ont pas besoin d'être modifiés pour se fondre dans les couleurs de la nature. Les tartans Black Watch ou Gunn en sont des exemples, tandis qu'un tartan comme le Fraser est à dominante rouge et n'offrirait pas une grande couverture aux hommes qui partent à la chasse.
Si vous commandez un tartan assorti à un kilt ou à un accessoire existant, n'oubliez pas que, bien que le décor et les couleurs soient identiques, il peut y avoir une légère différence de couleur d'une usine à l'autre. Si vous avez besoin d'une correspondance exacte, nous vous conseillons de commander un échantillon pour vérifier.
Les tartans d'apparat (Dress Tartans) ont été conçus, comme leur nom l'indique, pour les célébrations et les danses des Highlands. Le motif du tartan reste le même, mais la couleur principale est remplacée par du blanc, ou du blanc supplémentaire est ajouté au motif pour lui donner un aspect plus brillant et plus « fantaisiste ». Les Écossais aiment contourner les règles et utilisent parfois du jaune au lieu du fil blanc. C'est de là que viennent les MacLeod Dress Modern et Barclay Dress Modern, qui sont plutôt extravagantes.
Si vous commandez un tartan assorti à un kilt ou à un accessoire existant, n'oubliez pas que, bien que le décor et les couleurs soient identiques, il peut y avoir une légère différence de couleur d'une usine à l'autre. Si vous souhaitez une correspondance exacte, nous vous conseillons de commander un tartan de la même couleur que celui de votre kilt.
La famille vient de la région Lothians, mais alliant le charme et des amis bien placés leur a permis d'élargir leurs terrains.
Robert I (le Bruce) a donné comme cadeau le foret royale en Aberdeen qui s'appelle Hallforest à Sir Robert Keith en 1308, pour lui dire merci de son profond sentiment de loyauté à l'égard de lui.
Plus tard pendant les 1300s, Sir William Keith s'est marié à la fille de Sir Alexander Fraser et, en conséquence a acqui des majestueux domaines en Buchan et les Mearns. Ces domaines inclu le renommé Chateau Dunnottar qui est devenu le siège historique de Keith Earls.
Le frère de Sir William, John, a connu un mariage aussi rentable. Il s'est marié à l'héritière de la grande famille Cheyne assurant la domaine Inverugie, avec un chateau bien sur, pour le Clan Keith!
L'actual chef est James William Falconer Keith, 14th Earl of Kintore. Il est née le 15 avril, 1976 qui a succédé à son père en 30 Octobre, 2004.
Il possède une liste impressionnante de titres, y compris Lord Keith de Inverurie et Keith Hall, Viscount Stonehaven et Baron Stonehaven!
The family took their name from the lands of Keith in East Lothian. The exact significance is unknown, but it is likely to refer to a wood, forest, or another similarly rugged landscape, honouring the Keiths’ impressive command over their wild territories.
The story of how the Clan came to inhabit the East Lothian lands is rich with bravery, battle, and excitement.
In 1010, King Malcolm II of Scotland was fighting fiercely against the Danish army when a warrior from the Chatti tribe heroically came to his aid, killing the enemy’s General, Camus, with one well-placed stab of the sword.
The King was equally grateful as he was impressed, so he awarded the warrior with the name Marbhachair Chamuis, meaning the Camus Slayer, and the lands of Keith.
Years later, a Norman knight and adventurer called Hervey was exploring in Scotland, when he came across these enchanting lands. His heart was not only captured by the stunning landscape, however, he also found himself entranced by Marbhachair’s heiress.
The pair married and in 1150 King David I granted them a charter for the local area, making Hervey the earliest recorded originator of Clan Keith.
His striving and ambitious nature set the tone for generations of the family to come, as he founded a church, secured a place in the royal court, and built a strong reputation as a bold adventurer!
Dunnottar Castle is located only a short drive away from Aberdeen in the North of Scotland and is the historic seat of Clan Keith. The Castle sits upon a cliff on the edge of the North Sea and it was occupied by the Keith family since 1392 when they swapped their lands of Struthers with Clan Lindsay for Dunnottar. Once the Keiths held the lands of Dunnottar they completed the construction of the buildings, including the Tower House which the ruins of can still be seen today.
The Keith family held the Castle until the 18th Century, when George Keith fought with the Jacobites and his Castle was forfeited to the crown. The Castle has been at the forefront of many significant moments in Scottish History, including the death of Donald, King of Scots in 900 and at one point it was home to the Honours of Scotland (Crown Jewels of Scotland). The Castle was taken over in 1919 when it was restored and opened for public viewing.
Scottish Clans wore plant badges to help them recognise their fellow clansmen in battle, as well as to represent their territory, which they would defend fearlessly.
The Keith’s plant badge is the striking white rose. It seems only right that such a powerful clan has one of Scotland’s most iconic native flowers as their emblem!
The rose is widely celebrated as a Scottish symbol and has been commemorated in many songs and poems, including the following poignant lines by Hugh MacDiarmid:
“The rose of all the world is not for me
I want for my part
Only the little white rose of Scotland
That smells sharp and sweet – and breaks the heart.”
The Keiths are one of Scotland’s wealthiest and most powerful clans. The 5th Earl was even the richest nobleman in the country!
The clan crest is a sacred symbol for powerful Scottish families, as by wearing it clan members can visually show their loyalty to one another.
The most common Keith crest is described as ‘sinister out of a crest coronet or, a roebuck’s head proper, attired with tynes.’
This means that it displays a deer’s head with antlers in natural colours rising out of a golden crown. The crest is also often surrounded by the clan motto ‘Veritas Vincit.’
Clan Keith’s motto is Veritas Vincit, or Truth Conquers. It is interesting that despite their undeniable and well-documented physical strength, the Keiths decided to instead outline their strong moral values in this cry.
Perhaps their firmly held belief system is what helped give the family an edge over rival clans and secured them their position as one of the noblest and richest families in Scotland!
A coat of arms is also sometimes referred to as a heraldic badge and is worn to show allegiance to a particular Clan.
The Keiths' Arms is described as ‘Argent, on a chief, Gules, three pallets, Or.’ This means it is a silver shield with a red horizontal band at the top displaying three gold stripes.
The Keith family held the title of King’s Marischal from 1159 up to 1715. At first the Marischal’s duties were basically identical to those of a farrier, but the role expanded greatly with time.
By the medieval period, the Marischal was expected to manage the king’s hall, administer military justice, and organise tournaments.
It was a highly esteemed position and held great importance in ceremonial events; the Marischal even rode to the direct left of the King in official outings!
Clan Keith’s tartan features green as its main colour, complimented by a black check pattern. At ScotlandShop we stock two variations: Keith Ancient and Keith Modern.
The ancient version showcases softer colours, including a mossy green and a slate grey, while the modern option is dark and bold, made up of a deep green and striking dark blue and black.
Purchasing your own Keith tartan is a great way to connect with your clan ancestors, and with our extensive options you won’t struggle for choice! How about a traditional kilt, some decorative ribbon, or a dapper flat cap?
Or if you pride yourself on your individuality, why not treat yourself to a cutting of 100% wool fabric and create your own, unique Keith furnishings or clothes!
Clan Keith has one accolade that not many other clans can boast of: an official pipe band!
The Keith Highlanders Pipe Band was formed in 1952 in Seattle, Washington.
They have thrilled many with their performances both in the US and in Scotland. In 2008, they even came 3rd in the World Pipe Band Championships!
If you happen to live in the Seattle area and have an interest in honouring your heritage with music, check out their website here and consider joining!
Image source: Keith Highlanders Pipe Band
If you are a resident of the USA or New Zealand, you’ll be pleased to hear that there is a thriving Clan Keith Society for you to join!
You can find out how to join the US Society on their webpage here. They describe their mission as ‘promoting education and fellowship for individuals living in the United States whose ancestry traces back to one of Scotland’s oldest and most illustrious families.’
The society is a not-for-profit organisation, and membership fees are their main form of funding, so if you sign up you will know that you are making a great contribution to continuing Clan Keith’s legacy!
If you live in New Zealand, you can discover your local Clan Keith Society here. They have been working hard to foster community among members of the Clan for over a decade, so we’re sure you’d be in safe hands!
The stunning River Dee has a grislier past than its idyllic appearance would suggest!
Stretching 81 miles from the Cairngorms to where it joins the North Sea in Aberdeen, it once formed a key part of the battleground between the feuding Clan Keith and Clan Irvine.
One particularly notable battle took place in the early 15th century, when the two families met on the north bank of the Dee.
Initially, the Keiths and the Irvines both fought ferociously, neither one managing to gain any significant ground on the other. However, eventually, the Irvines began to pull ahead, slaying many members of Keith Clan in quick succession.
Finding themselves significantly weakened by the loss of men, the Keiths attempted to escape by crossing the River Dee, but sadly found themselves in even more trouble.
While struggling in the murky water, they became easy targets for the observing Clan Irvine, and so many were killed that this area of the river later came to be known as ‘Keith’s Pot.’
The leader of the Keiths also met a sorry demise in the river. He valiantly summoned his last remaining strength to climb up onto an isolated rock that emerged from the water, attempting to gain a moment’s respite. Unluckily though, his vigor did not pay off, as he was hit with an Irvine arrow. This rock is now known as ‘The Keith Stone,’ in an eery tribute to the violence it once witnessed.
The River Dee also played witness to the eventual reconciliation between the clans! In 2002, the 13th Earl of Kintore, previously the Chief of Clan Keith, signed a peace treaty with the Chief of Clan Irvine, holding a poignant ceremony on the banks of the water and ending their long-lasting feud.
Image Source: Visit Scotland / Paul Tomkins
Clan Keith were key players in the wars of Scottish Independence in the 1300s. They were loyal allies of Robert the Bruce and fought ferociously alongside him to defeat the English. They were particularly heroic in the infamous Battle of Bannockburn of 1314, where they used their expert command of the land to force the English into marshy, uneven areas of the battlefield, making them vulnerable to attack. From this point, the Scots easily forged their way to victory!
Clan Motto: Veritas Vincit (Truth Conquers)