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What about All Saints Day?

We asked Aneta here in the ScotlandShop office to write us this piece as we were all chatting about Hallowe'en and Guy Fawkes and she educated us all about another special day which falls between the two - All Saints Day. Aneta is developing a fabulous Scottish vocabulary but is originally from Poland and All Saints Day is a very European celebration. "A regular trip to purchase the weekly shopping from the supermarket reminded me that Christmas is just round the corner! All the reds, gold and greens of the wrapping paper, decorations and accessories on the shelf …but it is still October and the weather warm and beautiful, so I felt a bit confused. We are all excited for Christmas and the New Year approaching, but I realised that there is something missing from the whole ‘getting ready for Christmas’ theme… What about the All Saints' Day?"

Not everyone is familiar with that feast which falls on November the 1st. It was celebrated mainly by Catholics in ancient times to honour all martyrs, those known and unknown. Nowadays, this is a time of silence, remembrance and reflection of those dear to us who passed away. It is time of visiting commentaries, bringing flowers, lighting a candle for their souls and praying. Different countries have different celebrations of All Saints Day, but the core is the same for all of us - to show our respect to those who are no longer among us and who meant so much to us. So before all the Christmas-mania begins, lets stop for a few moments to say a quick prayer for the deceased family members, friends, someone you knew and light up a candle in remembrance of their past presence in our life.