Collezione e Ispirazione in tartan

In love with tartan but unsure how to incorporate it into your home or wardrobe? Here we hope to inspire you with some of our favourite tartans of the moment, special collections and new style ideas.

Category pride collection 540201
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Category cashmere gifts 540
Regali Cashmere

Explore our selection of luxurious gifts made from 100% cashmere, including cashmere gifts for her and him. Made in Scotland, our range of cashmere gifts includes sumptuous cashmere bed socks, cashmere gloves, classic tartan cashmere scarves, and more! We are based in the Scottish Borders, the home of world renowned cashmere, a region filled with tradition and a history of producing the finest quality textiles. Whether it's a sweater or a pair of cashmere gloves you can be assured that every product is knitted with love and care, using only the very best raw materials.

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Scottish Tartan Christmas

Regali Scozzesi per tutta la famiglia. Scopri la qualitá e il lusso di cashmere Scozzese, accessori creati su misura a tua scelta di tartan, kilts e gonne ma anche stivali e scarpe tutte in tartan.

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Burns Check Tie Bow Tie 2
Robert Burns

Siete pronti per il famoso Burns Niight a Gennaio? Quest'anno abbiamo gli accessori in Tartan perfetti per festeggiare questa famosa serata.

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St Andrews Day Couple
St. Andrew's Day

Indossate il vostro tartan preferito e brindate al santo patrono della Scozia, Saint Andrew!

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Category sale 540

Tutti amano i Saldi, e in questa sezione del sito, troverate prodotti a prezzi incredibili!

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Collezione e Ispirazione in tartan

In love with tartan but unsure how to incorporate it into your home or wardrobe? Here we hope to inspire you with some of our favourite tartans of the moment, special collections and new style ideas.