Guida ai tessuti tartan

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Come trovare il giusto tessuto in tartan?

Questa guida è stata ideata per aiutare tutti coloro che vogliono usare un tessuto in tartan e creare qualcosa di speciale. Non tutti sono sarti o tappezzieri esperti e può essere davvero difficile scegliere il tessuto in tartan più adatto a ciascuna lavorazione. Ecco perché abbiamo deciso di creare questa guida che ti aiuterà a trovare il tessuto più adatto ai tuoi lavori.

Questa guida è divisa in due sezioni principali(abbigliamento e arredamento d'interni) con una sezione FAQ a fine pagina. Se ti senti un po' disorientato/a o se semplicemente desideri condividere le tue opinioni, chiamaci al numero 01890 860770 oppure inviaci un'e-mail al numero

Buona fortuna! Aspettiamo le tue creazioni!


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Tessuto per: abbigliamento

Fabric Guide Interior Header Banner 2021 10 21 193811 vnme

Tessuto per: interni

Car upholstery

Tessuto per: tappezzeria auto

Domande frequenti sul tessuto in tartan (FAQ)

Ecco le domande più frequenti relative ai nostri tessuti. Se non trovi la risposta alla tua domanda, e questa riguarda un prodotto specifico, potresti trovare la risposta direttamente nella pagina del prodotto. Se non la trovi nemmeno lì, usa allora Livechat, inviaci un'e-mail oppure telefonaci. Ti risponderemo al più presto.

Is it possible to buy fabric swatches or samples before I buy?

    Yes of course! Swatches in all our fabrics are available to order here. Post and packing is free on all swatches.

I'm looking for a special tartan but I don't know the name. Can you help me if I provide a picture?

    Please email us the picture and we will do our best to identify it for you. Any background information such as when or where it was bought, ideas on tartans it might be linked to are always very helpful.

How many metres are in a yard?

    1m = 0.91 metres

    We try to provide metric and non-metric measurements on all the product pages but if not then use the conversion above or type it into google and he will soon tell you.

Can I have my tartan in a machine washable fabric?

    The widest choice of tartans is in the wool ranges. We do however stock cotton, polycotton, polyviscose and polywool in a more limited range of tartans and these fabrics are all machine washable. Visit the product page to see the full list of what is available and if you still aren't sure please email us and we can confirm what is available to you.

I just need a little bit of tartan. What is the minimum I can order?

    The minimum order on all our fabrics is 0.3m or 11.8 inches (0.33 yards)

Which tartan does one wear if they are family members of several highland families? I am related to Robert the Bruce, Forsyth and possibly William Wallace?

    You can choose which tartan you prefer to wear. Many family names are linked to several tartans and there are no rules surrounding which one you should wear.

Do you offer a discount on bulk or larger fabric orders?

    If you are ordering over 10m of fabric we can offer a discount dependent on quantity. Please contact us for a quotation.


How we weave your tartan

As most of our customers live a long way away and can't experience a trip around a traditional Scottish weaving mill we have tried to take you on the tour ourselves. From spinning the yarn, to dying and warping and wefting. Join us as we load the bobs onto the rack and teach you how to weave tartan.