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Clan Murray - Unleash your inner tartan
Clan Murray
Being a bit of a tennis fan, the recent Australian open final between Federer and Nadal was fantastic viewing. Unfortunately for Scottish fans, our beloved Andy Murray was knocked out in the fourth round. Overcome with grief, I couldn't get the name Murrayout of my mind...
Clan Murray: The origins.
Let’s keep this brief, shall we? The origins of this clan lie in the Kingdom of Moray, in the north of Scotland. After the Norman Conquest, Moray was given to Freskin (a Flemish Knight) to keep the locals in line. Freskin solidified his power in the area by marrying into the House of Moray. From this point on, Freskin’s heirs were known by the name De Moravia which, thanks to the Lowland Scots, became the surname Moray and eventually Murray.
Clan Murray: An Assembly of Andrews
Clan Murray is one of Scottish, and global history's, most notable families. Andrew Murray, in particular, is a name that crops up more than a few times. Sir Andrew Murray helped to lead the Scottish troops to victory at the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1297. Murray's son, also named Andrew, became the Guardian of Scotland which is pretty much the head of state. Other impressive Andys include: Lord Dunedin –former Solicitor General and Member of Parliament, Andrew Dickson Murray – a notable entomologist and former President of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh and last but not least, Sir Andy Murray – a professional tennis player, currently ranked world number 1.
Clan Murray: A River Runs Through It
We started this blog by talking about the Australian Open which is held in Melbourne each year. I actually grew up in Melbourne and I have very fond memories of the Victorian countryside. So, when I hear the name Murray, the first thing that comes to my mind is a river. Every Australian will be familiar with the Murray River which at 2,508km in length, it is Australia’s longest river.
How did the river gain this distinguished name? In 1828, Captain Charles Sturt was tasked with exploring New South Wales’ western flowing rivers to see where they ended up. In early 1830, Sturt discovered that all of the state's western flowing rivers flowed into another much larger river. This river was named in honour of Sir George Murray who was the Secretary of State for War and Colonies at the time. This river had actually been discovered by an earlier expedition, even being named the Hume River, but the name Murray is the one that stuck.
Clan Murray: Totally Minted!
At ScotlandShop HQ I am constantly berated by my colleagues for my quirks - or what they perceive to be quirks. Why? Is it my professed a love of a certain confectionery, more associated with the elderly than with hip young content writers? It might just be... I'm talking, of course, about Murray Mints. Murray Mints, for those of you who don't know, are a buttery minty sweet - invented by a man named Murray. Murray Mints, as it happens, were the first product to have their own jingle, now isn't that interesting?
There are Murrays all over the world, so wherever you are, why not get your hands on your own Murray tartan scarf and wear your heritage proudly.
This blog has shown that the influence Scotland has had on the world is huge. Not only does Scotland have a rich history of its own but, has helped shape the history of countless nations worldwide. If your life has been shaped by your Scottish heritage or if, like me, you simply love Murray Mints and want to rant about how good they are, get in touch.