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Home Clan Stories from around the world
Our celebration of the Home Clan is sadly coming to an end. Throughout our exploration of the clans fascinating people, castles and history the thing we have loved most is receiving lovely tales and photos from clan members. Keep reading below to find out what members of Clan Home have been up to!
Home Tour of Scotland
Melanie and her partner are proud members of Clan Home and were recently over in Scotland for the Clan's Gathering and decided to go on a mini tour of Scotland to take in the country's most beautiful locations. Take a look at their pictures below, and of course they managed to get the bright Home Ancient tartan in each picture!

Home Special Occasions
Kimara is the Membership Secretary of the Clan Home Association and was also over in Scotland for the Clan's gathering, she sent us this beautiful picture of her attending the formal dinner at the gathering wearing our Tartan Serape in Home Ancient.

Home Clan Gatherings Gone By
Kimara is also the Clan Association's official photographer, and absolutely loves taking pictures at the events the Clan hosts, she sent us her favourites she has taken throughout the years, from formal dinners to exploring Hume Castle. Do you have any pictures from previous Home Gatherings? We would love to see them so be sure to send them to us!

Grandfather Mountain Highland Games
Of course, the Clan also travel to places other than Scotland, one of their most recent trips was to the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games, where they participated in the parade of tartans, how fantastic do they look?

Home Clan Gathering 2022
As we mentioned above, members of the Clan recently travelled from all over the world to attend the gathering in the Scottish Borders, and Borders Drone Seekers were kind enough to come out and film the event and it is so cool to watch, it really feels like you're there!
Anna and Amy from the Tartan Team were lucky enough to attend the event supplied with plenty of Home Tartan accessories for the Clan members to browse and treat themselves to, and thankfully the weather stayed clear so the group could explore the castle before digging in to a delicious Hog Roast Roll. If you weren't able to attend the event and browse our beautiful Home Tartan collection, not to worry as all products are available to shop on our website.
We've loved celebrating Clan Home during the month of September, and even though our celebrations have come to an end, we still love hearing your stories to please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you'd like to keep chatting about Clan Home!