About Us

Find out more about how ScotlandShop came to be, what we believe in, our amazing team and the many communities we are involved in.

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The ScotlandShop collection is inspired and influenced by the multitude of colour to be found in our Scottish tartans, steeped in history yet still a fundamental part of the fashion industry.  Combining the talents of the many fabulous designers and manufacturers we work with across Scotland, we are spoilt for choice with all these beautiful fabrics woven on our doorstep.  The business was founded on not only a love of fashion, fabric and Scottish culture but also a desire to contribute to the development of the local rural economy here in the Scottish Borders. Founded in 2002 by Anna White, we have become a truly international organisation delivering all over the world on a daily basis and offering our products and service in 6 languages.

Our Story

Anna Founding Scotland Shop


The year where it all began, in 2002 ScotlandShop was founded. We initially launched selling Scottish crafts, gifts, food & textiles.

Scotland Shop Brochure 2003


In 2003 we decided to focus on textiles, abandoning the crafts & food as it was just too complex and US customs wouldn’t let our haggis in.

Anna Building Scotland Shop HQ


Anna put her building skills to the test as we moved into our newly renovated old granary in 2004 and started to feel like a real business.

Scotland Shop Old Website


Our French website launched in 2005 and was an immediate hit.

Ali 10 Years


Ali, our longest serving ScotlandShop employee first started working for us. In 2016, after 10 years of tartan service we awarded Ali a trophy and her crown for the day.

Tartan Stiletto Stewart Blue Dress


We introduced our range of custom made tartan shoes created in association with wedding shoe designer June Graham. June has since retired but the range continues to evolve and has become one of most popular collections on the website.

Bernd Petri


In 2008 we re-launched our French & German sites to bring them in line with our UK site. The MacLeod Dress Modern Tartan is our top selling tartan in Germany.

Anna Newspaper 2009


Having steadily added more translated websites over the last few years, In 2009 European sales overtook US sales for the first time.

Isle skye tartan jacket0003


In September 2010 we re-launched all 5 of our websites based on extensive research with our existing customers and all of our experience to date.  Using a new web development agency, new photographer, and lots of new ideas and inspiration.

Pattern Cutting


We changed our tailored suit manufacturer in 2011 to allow our customers more opportunity for customisation. This allowed us to let you choose the colour of the lining for your tartan suit and back on your waistcoat, adjust the cut to suit your shape, change the number of buttons, vents and pockets, the colour of the stitching on the buttonholes and so much more.

Scotland Shop Thirlstane346


Spring 2012 saw the launch of our Tailored Womenswear range introducing made to measure tartan jackets, trousers and waistcoats in your chosen tartan. We also introduced our very first tartan dress.

Scotland shop banner logo new


On October 1st 2013 ScotlandShop incorporated to become a Limited Company. Browne White Ltd trading as ScotlandShop.com is born! Our registered Company Number is 459117.

Auryn award stage


On October 1st 2013 ScotlandShop incorporated to become a Limited Company. Browne White Ltd trading as ScotlandShop.com is born! Our registered Company Number is 459117.



After months of work, in September 2015 we unveiled our #drapeyourtartan feature to the website. This meant for the first time when selecting your tartan and product you could see an artist’s impression of how fabulous your finished product would look.

New Website


In 2016 we gave the website & logo a whole new look and feel with the help of designer Michelle Haswell.

Scotland Shop 2


Our Flagship Store at 10 Queensferry Street, Edinburgh opened its doors on the 1st August.

Doddie Weir Murrayfield 1033


Having made suits for our favourite Scottish Rugby player Doddie Weir for many years we designed Doddie’5 tartan, our first in house Tartan Design.

New York City Tartan Week 190426 173032


We held our first International Pop-Up store during the New York City Tartan Week Celebrations and marched down 6th Avenue wearing the City tartan as part of the parade.

Scotland Shop Virtual Appointments


In response to COVID-19 we launched our Virtual Appointment service.  Customers can now join us via video call to talk about tartan, view swatches, find their clan, and be talked through the measurements required for the garment of their choice.

Stacked Airmail Design Albany County 2021 09 07 110651 ekzn


Following months of research in July, we announced our intention to launch ScotlandShop USA with competitions galore to guess the region, state, and finally city where we will plant our flag and open our very first overseas showroom and base. In August we announced this would be in Albany, NY!

Scotland Shop USA Ribbon Cutting


In March we celebrated the Grand Opening of our first International store at 678 Loudon Road, Latham, NY. In celebration of our new home, we launched the Albany tartan featuring colours found within the County Seal & City flag to highlight the Scottish heritage found throughout Albany County.

20th Anniversary Timeline


In October 2022, ScotlandShop celebrated the huge milestone of 20 years in business! And what a journey it has been...

New Office Timeline


With the expansion of both our business and team, we moved in to our new bigger and better HQ in October 2023. We have more space for all operations and even a showroom, meaning we can now welcome more customers to our Scottish Borders base for appointments!

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In March 2024 we were proud to become the owners of House of Tartan, acclaimed "original tartan website" and home of the world's first tartan database. With many clan partnerships in place and a fabulous local reputation, this is the perfect opportunity to extend the ScotlandShop brand to the beautiful market town of Crieff on the Perthshire tourist route.

Scotlandshop On The Sofa

20 Years of Tartan

To celebrate our 20th Anniversary we published a very special episode of On the Sofa. Founder of the business and Managing Director, Anna, answers your burning questions about the business. In the 20 years so much has happened, we have had many highs and lows and funny stories as we negotiated building a retail business, renovating our premises, building the tartan collection and putting in the systems to help us grow.