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An Interview with the Lachlan Trust
Ready to find out more about Clan MacLachlan? In today's blog post we explore the work of the Lachlan Trust and have an exclusive interview with the Executive Trustee James Gilchrist. Read on as we revisit Kilmorie Chapel, Old Castle Lachlan and our Clan of the Month, Clan MacLachlan!
What is The Lachlan Trust?
The Lachlan Trust is a registered Scottish charity which seeks to preserve the heritage of Clan MacLachlan. It achieves these goals through donations and recently raised £100,000 with the support of Historic Scotland and the Heritage Lottery Fund, to help preserve Kilmorie Chapel. It is a special place for Clan MacLachlan and the people of Strathlachlan, with the chapel serving as the traditional burial ground of the clan's chiefs, including their only female leader, the 24th Chief, Marjorie MacLachlan of Maclachlan. The chapel also provides a resting place for many in the local community.
Having restored the chapel, the work of the Lachlan Trust now focuses on maintaining and preserving the Clan's historic seat, Old Castle Lachlan. The castle is of great historical, cultural and architectural significance, standing as a focal point of the local community, up until the 18th Century. It was thought to have been bombarded by a government warship following the Battle of Culloden in 1746, causing the clan to flee their home (You can read all about this and more in our previousClan MacLachlan post). Having been abandoned for over 250 years, the castle fell into a state of ruin. The trust seeks to preserve and protect the castle, to ensure that it can be enjoyed by visitors for years to come.

Check out this great video to find out more about the preservation of Castle Lachlan!
An Interview with James Gilchrist - Executive Trustee of The Lachlan Trust
What are the aims and goals of the Lachlan Trust?
The main goal of the Lachlan Trust is the conservation of Old Castle Lachlan and to allow public access to the site. So far we have made repairs to parts of the outer wall of the castle; built a bridge across the River Lachlan and made improvements to the paths to provide a connection to Kilmorie Chapel, and installed several different signs to provide information to visitors. We now look forward to continuing the improvement of the overall structure, to allow further access inside the castle.

Your role within the Lachlan Trust?
I am the executive trustee of the Trust which is also a charity. My goal is to make the above happen. We are researching for a major fundraising individual/company that can raise the funds required to complete our goals. All the design work has been carried out and has been approved by Historic Environment Scotland. The funds are required to carry out the work on site. We have also just completed a major revamp of our website.
How did you become involved with the Lachlan Trust?
My brother-in-law, Donald Maclauchlan, established the Trust and asked me to get involved as I am an Architect (now retired!). I am able to use my skills as an architect to help plan and make improvements to the sites.
Your greatest achievement with the Lachlan Trust?
My greatest achievement with the trust so far is to reach the stage we are at now. Having helped to preserve Kilmorie Chapel and completing phases 1 and 2 of the work on Old Castle Lachlan, it's been a great achievement to get to where we are today. I now look forward to completing the next stage of the project.
What is the most rewarding aspect of working with the Lachlan Trust?
The thought that the Old Castle is about 400 years old and the work we are doing is to ensure that Castle stays standing for the next 400 years!
Are there any stories from Clan MacLachlan history that you would like to share with us?
As one of the oldest Highland clans, all of the chiefs of Clan MacLachlan have been buried in the grounds of Kilmorie Chapel for over 600 years, apart from three! One, Lachlan MacLachlan, lies at the battlefield of Cullloden where he died in 1746, fighting for Bonnie Prince Charlie.

What makes Castle Lachlan and the surrounding area so special?
It sits at a key position on Loch Fyne. From the top of the Castle, you can see up and down the Loch for many miles. The history and surrounding landscape make a visit to the area a great experience.

The next steps in conserving Old Castle Lachlan?
The next steps in preserving the castle are to continue the work on the walls and interior; and to add staircases, handrails, viewing platforms, and a gallery. It's a really exciting project to be a part of.

How can people help support the work of the Lachlan Trust?
It's now all about fundraising so if anyone has any ideas and or contacts, it would be great to hear from them. Also, if anyone could please donate via the website!
Many thanks for taking the time to read today's blog post. A special thank you to James for participating in this interview and for discussing the important work of the Lachlan Trust with us. Be sure to pay a visit to Old Castle Lachlan if you are ever in the Loch Fyne area, to see the historic home of Clan MacLachlan; and please consider donating to ensure that the Lachlan Trust can continue their great work. If you want to find out more about our Clan of the Month, check out our Tartan Blog and social media pages!