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Clan Stewart Stories from around the World
This November we have been celebrating all things Clan Stewart and as a result we have been sent so many wonderful stories from customers and members of the Clan. Read on to discover our favourite entries, including plenty of beautiful Stewart tartans, a plethora of incredible ancestry stories and enough Clan pride to make you burst!
Angela's Castle Wedding
After discovering she was of Scottish descent, Angela decided to plan a wedding filled with Scottish heritage and tartan, and she sent us these lovely pictures from her special day, featuring ScotlandShop tartan!
I started doing Ancestry years ago! We are also a big fan of Braveheart and Outlander. I’m a big history buff! I love Philippa Gregory and have read most her novels. Well, in doing my ancestry imagine my joy to trace my grandmother’s lineage back to Robert the Bruce. Not sure I did it right but I’m going with it. Love the Stewart tartan and of course the history. My now husband and I decided to get married at the Isle of Skye (well close to). We got married at the Eileen Donan castle in 2018, not a Stewart Castle but that's ok. I made all the plans myself. My husband who is of Campbell clan sported his kilt. We love the Isle of Skye and plan plan to go back to Scotland every five years for our anniversary. Well It’s been almost 4 years ago and I cannot wait to plan our next trip.
Cindy's Double Clan Bear
I had this made from ScotlandShop….my 3rd Great Great Grandmother on my father’s side was a Graham of Montrose leading to the Stewart Kings (James I-IV), so this bear has The Graham of Montrose Ancient tartan and the Royal Stewart. I may add a Bruce emblem also since my Stewart connection goes back to The Bruce. This gives me a daily smile.
Marjorie, the Dancing Stewart
We first met Marjorie in New York at the Tartan Day Parade and there is no doubt she is a proud member of Clan Stewart. Marjorie shared these amazing pictures of her Highland Dancing passion, which explains why she showed us up at the Ceilidh with her perfect pas-de-baque (for the uninitiated, pronounce "pah-d'-bah", this describes the elegant Setting, or Dancing on the spot you see in Scottish Country Dancing).

Three of my grandparents were born in Scotland. Both of my father's parents and my mother's mother. Two from Glasgow, one from Perth.

Marjorie is a member of many Scottish organisations, including: New York Caledonian Club, Saint Andrew's Society of the State of New York, American Scottish Foundation. ScotlandShop support each of these societies, and we are also a member of the American Scottish Foundation! Most impressively Marjorie dances with Shot of Scotch, a high level Highland Dance group first founded in 2011 in New York and now international with a branch in Vancouver.
Randy's Canadian Stewart Story
I was very fortunate to have been invited to the Legislature of British Columbia to witness the passage of the Proclamation creating Tartan Day here in Canada. Thanks to the tireless work of Mr. Jerry Dunn and Minister Ian Waddel Tartan Day was passed in the parliament. I have included a little bit of west coast flavour having included a picture of our beautiful Victoria City of Gardens tartan, designed by my friend Steve Ashton and a native frontlet. I also found two pictures of my wife and I with our daughter Katie in her Stewart Dress tartan back in March of 2000 attending the private reception.
The last pictures I have included are of my favourite piece of tartan. I am blessed to have a piece of Charles Edward Stuart's Moy Hall Plaid worn by the Prince during the Rising of 1745 and gifted to Lady "Colonel" Anne Macintosh in 1746 for saving his life. Look up 'Rout of Moy' so here's to Scots everywhere, the signers of the Declaration of Arbroath, the explorers, inventors, and hardworking souls all... Slàinte mhath! (pronounced slan-ge-var)...and for some...to the King across the Water, Slainthe Mho! I just wanted to add that former Minister Waddel passed away earlier this year in March. Our condolences to his family and friends. His role in creating Tartan Day here was critical.
Eli, Steele'y in Stewart Black
Eli is another proud member of the Stewart Clan and shows off his Clan pride by wearing his Stewart Black Kilt!
Finally took the time to take a photo. Really love this Black Stewart Tartan Kilt. Casual is great but I do love a vest with a kilt, I definitely like the vest without the belt.
Josh's Highland Games Shenanigans
Josh and his family attended the Flagstaff Highland Games and had such an amazing time. Josh competed in the sheaf toss and caber and was really successful, he can't wait to compete at future games. We love his insert pleat kilt!
Sionann's Royal Connections
Sionann was recently married and the Stewart tartan was featured heavily in her big day, she sent us this picture of her father unveiling her wearing his full Stewart Dress Tartan Great Kilt. Sionann is a direct descendant of Robert the Bruce and the line of Stewart kings. James IV Stewart is her 14th great grandfather. What an amazing connection!
We hope you enjoyed our favourite Stewart stories from the month! Just because our celebrations of Clan Stewart are coming to an end, doesn't mean our love for the Clan is, so please get in touch if you want to chat all things Stewart or any other Scottish Clan with us.